Sunday, January 31, 2010


Makrifat itu pengenalan jiwa
Mengenal jiwa dan mengenal Tuhannya
Mengenal dengan sejelas jelasnya
Tidak kabur tapi jelas nyata
Mujahadah itu perjuangan dan usaha
Makrifat itu menuai hasilnya
Mujahadah itu dalam perjalanan
Makrifat itu matlamat tujuan
Makrifat itu pembuka rahsia
Makrifat itu sendiri rasa
Makrifat itu sagunya
Mujahadah itu memecah ruyungnya.
~Jalaluddin Rumi.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Poem From Jalaludin Rumi

I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not.
I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there.
I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I found not.
With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only 'anqa's habitation.
Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not there even.
Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range.
I fared then to the scene of the Prophet's experience of a great divine manifestation only a "two bow-lengths' distance from him" but God was not there even in that exalted court.
Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else